Real Feel Golf Interview Q1. How much of the game has been developed so far ? A : We began the project 18 months ago and we are at about 50 % completion. The game should be finished by the end of the year and will be released in the first quarter of 1999. Q2 Is this a Ubi Soft developed title ? A : Real Feel Golf has been developed in collaboration with a team of very creative developers (Vertex Multimedia who are based in the Oxfordshire countryside) which is headed up by industry veteran N. Ishihara. Ubi Soft 's contribution is as co-producer and adviser . Ubi Soft has a lot of technical know how which we share with our developers. Q So, what is unique about this game compared to the others that are out or are coming out ? A: Real Feel Golf is one of the very first golf games to be created in complete real time 3D. This will allow us to obtain realism and freedom of movement never before seen in a golf game…. The feeling of realism will be further enhanced as a result of our unique "Real Feel" control system which can reproduce a real time golf swing like no other game. So we will therefore be able to appeal to players who want a simulation experience but with an arcade pace (faster moving to keep the player interested in the game). Golf games available on the market are slow in speed and graphically not accessible to consumers. Our aim is to make one of the most playable, realistic and accessible golf game ever produced. Q4: Why 3D ? What benefit does this bring to the player ? A: Well, in all other golf games we have 2D golfers set in a photo realistic environment and have a situation where each screen has to be redrawn after every shot of the ball which causes a kind of unrealistic delay which basically unacceptably slows down the game. We call this the "classic trilogy ". If you want to see this in action just look at Links Golf! So for this first time the player will be able to control a 3D character (made up of over 500 polygons) which is completely integrated into the 3D background and whose movements can be controlled in real time. We have created a credible environment as a result of the implementation of many animations and dynamic cameras (using the I-CAM TV system ). All information will be available on screen. So the player will not need to flip from screen to screen to get the information he needs. (wind, distance, undulations,). The end result of our method is a fluid 3D environment and a fast paced game without the irritating lapses between each swing experienced in the 2D games. Q5: Tell us more about this "Real Feel" control system. A: The "Real Feel" is an innovative method which acts as a more user friendly alternative to the classic "double click" (however for those who prefer the old way we will keep that as an option too). This lets the player control in real time the 2 major parameters of the golf swing: the angle of the shoulders and the angle of the wrists.. Thus our system will neither use the "power meter" nor require quick mouse movements. Thanks to the real time factor, you will be able to decide the strength and direction of your shot just by observing the posture of your character on the screen.! If you use an analogue joystick the swing feeling is just amazing !!! Q 6: Why did you choose not to use real courses ? A: We chose not to use existing courses so that we could create original and challenging golf courses. You will see holes you have never seen before for example double fairways or a green on an island.. This ads to the fun factor we were looking for in the computer golf game. We used our freedom to create the most suited golf courses for computer games rather than to simulate real golf courses which may not have fitted so well on screen. Q7: What was the biggest hurdle you have encountered so far? A: When we embarked on this project we knew that we would encounter some major technical issues to solve… The main hurdle to overcome was the integration of the soft jointed character, which is animated in real time, with the 3D engine. To get the swing to work smoothly involved a delicate and intricate understanding of exactly how each of the human muscles and joints work together to produce realistic movement. To model the soft jointed character, integrate animation system in the model, texture the body and input all these data to our 3D engine took us more than 6 months. This allows to simulate joints and muscle movements. The result is an impressive piece of animation wizardry. Q 8: Could you summarise the strengths of the game ? - Real time 3D environment (no redrawn time of holes from shot to shot. Fast pace game.) - Innovative "Real Feel" control system - Incredible TV style "I-CAM" camera movement - Superb graphics of non-digitised original golf courses - Soft-Jointed 3D characters